

Biaxially oriented polyester film

Biaxially oriented polyester film

   Biaxially oriented polyester film (BOPET) is a biaxially oriented film made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), with high tensile strength, chemical resistance, dimensional stability, high transparency, Low reflectivity, excellent gas barrier performance and electrical insulation performance.

   The BOPET production line of Longxing Company is imported from Bruckner, Germany, with a width of 8.7 meters and a thickness of 6.5-75 microns. This series of products are available in matte, matte, heat-sealed, ultra-thin, heat transfer, release and other varieties. The colors are all colorless and transparent.

  ■ Product advantages

  *Excellent mechanical properties, such as E-modulus;

  *MD and TD are isotropic, and the mechanical properties are equivalent;

  *High barrier properties, especially oxygen;

  *Excellent surface treatment performance, can be aluminized, can be printed, etc.;

  *Good temperature stability

  *Excellent puncture resistance

  *Very good dielectric strength

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